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Your guide to mastering Foundry's cast command-line tool

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cast - Perform Ethereum RPC calls from the comfort of your command line.


cast [options] command [args] cast [options] --version cast [options] --help


This program is a set of tools to interact with Ethereum and perform conversions.


General Commands

cast help     Display help information about Cast.

cast completions     Generate shell autocompletions for Cast.

Chain Commands

cast chain-id     Get the Ethereum chain ID.

cast chain     Get the symbolic name of the current chain.

cast client     Get the current client version.

Transaction Commands

cast publish     Publish a raw transaction to the network.

cast receipt     Get the transaction receipt for a transaction.

cast send     Sign and publish a transaction.

cast call     Perform a call on an account without publishing a transaction.

cast rpc      Perform a raw JSON-RPC request [aliases: rp]

cast tx     Get information about a transaction.

cast run     Runs a published transaction in a local environment and prints the trace.

cast estimate     Estimate the gas cost of a transaction.

cast access-list     Create an access list for a transaction.

cast logs     Get logs by signature or topic

Block Commands

cast find-block     Get the block number closest to the provided timestamp.

cast gas-price     Get the current gas price.

cast block-number     Get the latest block number.

cast basefee     Get the basefee of a block.

cast block     Get information about a block.

cast age     Get the timestamp of a block.

Account Commands

cast balance     Get the balance of an account in wei.

cast storage     Get the raw value of a contract's storage slot.

cast proof     Generate a storage proof for a given storage slot.

cast nonce     Get the nonce for an account.

cast code     Get the bytecode of a contract.

cast codesize     Get the runtime bytecode size of a contract.

ENS Commands

cast lookup-address     Perform an ENS reverse lookup.

cast resolve-name     Perform an ENS lookup.

cast namehash     Calculate the ENS namehash of a name.

Etherscan Commands

cast etherscan-source     Get the source code of a contract from Etherscan.

ABI Commands

cast abi-encode     ABI encode the given function arguments, excluding the selector.

cast 4byte     Get the function signatures for the given selector from https://openchain.xyz/signatures.

cast 4byte-calldata     Decode ABI-encoded calldata using https://openchain.xyz/signatures.

cast 4byte-event     Get the event signature for a given topic 0 from https://openchain.xyz/signatures.

cast calldata     ABI-encode a function with arguments.

cast decode-abi     Decode ABI-encoded input or output data.

cast decode-calldata     Decode ABI-encoded input data.

cast pretty-calldata     Pretty print calldata.

cast selectors     Extracts function selectors and arguments from bytecode

cast upload-signature     Upload the given signatures to https://openchain.xyz/signatures.

Conversion Commands

cast format-bytes32-string     Formats a string into bytes32 encoding.

cast from-bin     Convert binary data into hex data.

cast from-fixed-point     Convert a fixed point number into an integer.

cast from-utf8     Convert UTF8 to hex.

cast from-wei     Convert wei into an ETH amount

cast parse-bytes32-address     Parses a checksummed address from bytes32 encoding.

cast parse-bytes32-string     Parses a string from bytes32 encoding.

cast to-ascii     Convert hex data to an ASCII string.

cast to-base     Convert a number of one base to another.

cast to-bytes32     Right-pads hex data to 32 bytes.

cast to-dec     Converts a number of one base to decimal

cast to-fixed-point     Convert an integer into a fixed point number.

cast to-hex     Converts a number of one base to another

cast to-hexdata     Normalize the input to lowercase, 0x-prefixed hex.

cast to-int256     Convert a number to a hex-encoded int256.

cast to-rlp     RLP encodes hex data, or an array of hex data

cast to-uint256     Convert a number to a hex-encoded uint256.

cast to-unit     Convert an ETH amount into another unit (ether, gwei, wei).

cast to-wei     Convert an ETH amount to wei.

cast shl     Perform a left shifting operation.

cast shr     Perform a right shifting operation.

Utility Commands

cast address-zero     Prints the zero address.

cast sig     Get the selector for a function.

cast sig-event     Generate event signatures from event string.

cast keccak     Hash arbitrary data using keccak-256.

cast compute-address     Compute the contract address from a given nonce and deployer address.

cast create2      Generate a deterministic contract address using CREATE2

cast interface     Generate a Solidity interface from a given ABI.

cast index     Compute the storage slot for an entry in a mapping.

cast concat-hex     Concatenate hex strings.

cast max-int     Get the maximum i256 value.

cast min-int     Get the minimum i256 value.

cast max-uint     Get the maximum u256 value.

cast to-check-sum-address     Convert an address to a checksummed format (EIP-55).

Wallet Commands

cast wallet     Wallet management utilities.

cast wallet new     Create a new random keypair.

cast wallet address     Convert a private key to an address.

cast wallet sign     Sign a message.

cast wallet vanity     Generate a vanity address.

cast wallet verify     Verify the signature of a message.


Special Options

-V --version     Print version info and exit.

Common Options

    Prints help information.


  1. Call a function on a contract:

    cast call 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 \
      "balanceOf(address)(uint256)" 0x...
  2. Decode raw calldata:

    cast decode-calldata "transfer(address,uint256)" \
  3. Encode calldata:

    cast calldata "someFunc(address,uint256)" 0x... 1


See https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry/issues for issues.